Workshop and Talks

Upcoming Talks and Workshops

2025_Potsdam, Museum Barberini

At the occasion of the exhibition Kosmos Kandisky. at the Museum Barberini, Potsdam (Feb. 15 - May 18), I will give a Talk on “Art and Abstraction. Perspectives from Philosophy and Neuroscience” (in German). More soon here.

Previous Talks and Workshops

2024_September_20-22: Vienna, EVALabs Symposium

I will be an invited guest at the EVALabs (Empirical Visual Aesthetics Labs) Symposium in Vienna, Austria. There will be two panels and accompanying discussions, on “Empirical Aesthetics –The State of the Art, panels and discussion” and “Empirical Aesthetics – The Future, panels and discussion” respectively. Programme available here.

2024_October_2-4: “Beauty and Interestingness as Urban Affordances,”Madrid: Philosophy of The City International Conference

I will give a talk at the Philosophy of The City International Conference in Madrid, Spain. In it, I will be following up on last year’s presentation on the inter- and transdisciplinary “Research Platform Neurourbanism” and discuss the role of philosophy of mind and aesthetics within a cognitive science approach to architecture, urban living, and cities.

2024_October_17-19: Third International Conference on Beauty and Change

I am an invited speaker for the Third International Conference on Beauty and Change in Turin, Italy. This year’s conference will be devoted to the theme “Aesthetics and Human Flourishing: Theories, Experiments and Applications” and will gather leading scholars from the fields of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience to reflect on how our aesthetic experiences impact our wellbeing and our psychological functioning. 

2024_August_1-8: "Aesthetic Emotions as an Enactive Category," Rome: XXV World Congress of Philosophy

I gave a talk on "Aesthetic Emotions as an Enactive Category" at the “Enactive Aesthetics” panel at the XXV World Congress of Philosophy in Rome, Italy.

2024_Mar_13: “Raum und Geist” Online

I presented research on designed space and philosophy of mind at an online Workshop organized by the German Studienstiftung. “Die Einfluss der gestalteten Umwelt auf Körper und Geist.”

2024_June_3-5: “Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities,” Catania: Emotion and Place Symposium

I presented research on architecture and Neurourbanism on a panel on “Emotion and Place” that I put together with John Sutton at the conference in Catania. Giovanna Colombetti kindly agreed to comment on our papers and we will have a great line-up of speakers (incl. Lynn Tribble, Sanne Lehtinnen, etc. More soon on the conference webpage). Here link to my talk.

2023_Oct_14: “UnRuhe/n,” Berlin, Aquarium, Kottbusser Tor

"Ängste und Unsicherheiten durchziehen die Gesellschaft, landen als Anspannung und/oder Erschöpfung im Körper: Unruhe liegt in der Luft. Und kann in weiteren Unruhen münden. Mit der Pandemie und ihren Folgen, zunehmendem Kriegsgeschehen weltweit, rasanten Klimaveränderungen und weiteren Krisen des „fossilen Kapitalismus“ sind wir umgeben von sich überlagernden Krisen. Diese werden medial zu Katastrophenszenarios verstärkt.” More on the conference webpage). My talk was on “Neurourbanistik: Stadt zwischen Stress und Möglichkeitsraum”